Services Offered

Behavior Highway provides a variety of services to clients. The types of services provided will depend on your child’s needs, your identified goals, and clinical judgment. Some of the most common services provided at Behavior Highway are described below.


Early Intervention Services

Behavior Highway offers early intervention services through San Gabriel Valley/Pomona Regional Center. Early intervention focuses on children from the ages of 0-3 years old with developmental delays. Services target communication, gross motor, fine motor, social skills, dressing, feeding, and play skills. Infant specialists are trained in floor time therapy, sensory processing, infant massage, functional communication training, and child development.

School Consult/Advocacy

School related services may include any of the following: classroom/student observation, teacher/school staff consultation and training, elaboration and clarity of school evaluations or documents, explanation of student rights and state laws or policies that might impact your child, problem-solving regarding school placement, and attendance & advocacy at special school team meetings (e.g., Individualized Education Plans [IEP], 504 plans, Response to Intervention [RtI] services, etc.).

Applied Behavior Analysis

ABA services are funded through insurance providers to include direct treatment and parent education. ABA services may be conducted in home, school, and/or community. The frequency and intensity of sessions, as well as service location, will be based on client’s needs as well as scheduling and insurance authorization. All ABA clients are assigned a ‘treatment team’ that consists of a combination of Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT), Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analysts (BCaBA), and/or Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA).

Community Events

Behavior Highway is teaming up with local venues and community locations to offer inclusive socialization opportunities. We aim to provide a safe space, sensitive to sensory needs, and geared towards socialization with all friends. Follow our social media pages to learn more and see our upcoming events.

Self Determination Services

Our Independent Facilitator will help you navigate the path to “Self Determination”. We can assist with financial planning, finding resources, identifying long term goals based on current IPP (Individualized Program Plan).

Parent Education

Parent Training and Education is provided by a BCBA to help families and caregivers. Trainings can include, but are not limited to; Antecedent Interventions, Responding to Challenging Behaviors, Increasing Communication, Toilet Training, Picky Eating, Social Skills, etc.